Mica, Adriana, Gertrude J. Fraser, Mikołaj Pawlak, Paweł Kubicki. 2024. “Fracasopolicy: Toward a Critical Typology of Policy Failures.” Globalizations, 1-18, https://doi.org/10.1080/14747731.2024.2386776.
Mica, Adriana, Mikołaj Pawlak, Paweł Kubicki. 2024. “Failure Privilege in Policymaking: Exploitation, (In)visibilization, and Future Projection in Abortion Policy in Poland.” East European Politics and Societies, 38(1): 148-177.
Mica, Adriana, Mikołaj Pawlak, Paweł Kubicki. 2023. “Expectations of Failure: Political Risks in the Moral Economy of Ignorance and Social Injustice.” Sociologica 17(3): 75–97.
Kubicki, Paweł, Mikołaj Pawlak, Adriana Mica. 2020. “Proces tworzenia polityki publicznej wobec niepełnosprawności.” Polityka Społeczna 10(559): 22-29.
Horolets, Anna, Adriana Mica, Mikołaj Pawlak, Paweł Kubicki. 2020. “Ignorance as an Outcome of Categorizations: The ‘Refugees’ in the Polish Academic Discourse Before and After the 2015 Refugee Crisis.“ East European Politics and Societies and Cultures 34(3): 730-751.
Kubicki, Paweł, Mikołaj Pawlak, Adriana Mica, Anna Horolets. 2019. “Porażka w polityce publicznej.” Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace 37(1): 13–41.
Kubicki, Paweł, Mikołaj Pawlak, Adriana Mica, Anna Horolets. 2017. “Wyjście z cienia: Polityka uchodźcza w sytuacji kryzysu.” Polityka Społeczna 9(522): 22–28.
Mica, Adriana. 2017. “The Unintended Consequences in New Economic Sociology: Why Still Not Taken Seriously?” Social Science Information 56(4): 544-566.
Mica, Adriana. 2016. “Towards a Typology of Hybrid Formalities and Informalities” Polish Sociological Review (2) 194: 139-153.
Mica, Adriana. 2014. “Weber’s «Essential Paradox of Social Action»: What Can Sociology of the Unintended Learn from Public Policy Analysis?” Profilaktyka Społeczna i Resocjalizacja 23: 71-95.
Mica, Adriana. 2013. “From Diffusion to Translation and Back. Disembedding–Re-embedding and Re-invention in Sociological Studies of Diffusion.” Polish Sociological Review 1 (181): 3-19.
Mica, Adriana. 2011. “Consequences of Diffusion of Innovations – Trap-Neuter-Return in Bucharest, Romania.” Societas/Communitas 2 (12): 269-290.
Mica, Adriana. 2011. “Skandal i panika moralna.” Tematy z Szewskiej 2 (6): 33-41.
Mica, Adriana. 2010. “Moral Panic, Risk or Hazard Society – the Relevance of a Theoretical Model and Framings of Maidan Dogs in Chisinău and Bucharest.” Polish Sociological Review 1 (169): 39-61.
Mica, Adriana. 2009. ”Reply to Disclosure Scandals in Romania Political Parties and the Romanian Orthodox Church.” Polish Sociological Review 1 (165): 41-56.
Mica, Adriana. 2008. “Discussion on the 1977 Jiu Valley Strike as Scandal in Romania.” Sfera politicii 16 (129-130): 31-42.
Mica, Adriana. 2005. “Workers and Intellectuals in Communist and Early Post-Communist Romania.” Archival Research Papers (ARP) – Open Society Archives.
Mica, Adriana. 2021. “(book review) ‘Why Austerity Persists. By Jon Shefner and Cory Blad. Medford, Mass.: Polity Press, 2019. PP. vi+203. $69.95 (hardcover), $24.95 (paperback)’.” American Journal of Sociology 126 (5): 1295-1297.
Mica, Adriana. 2019. “When Things Don’t Fall Apart: Global Financial Governance and Developmental Finance in an Age of Productive Incoherence.” European Societies 22 (1): 151-154.
Mica, Adriana. 2018. “Theories and Social Mechanisms: Essays in Honour of Mohammed Cherkaoui, volumes one and two / Including a Symposium on Albert O. Hirschman.” European Societies 20 (4) 694-698.
Mica, Adriana. 2017. “A Review of The Return of History: Conflict, Migration, and Geopolitics in the Twenty First Century (Jennifer Welsh 2016 Anansi) and Refuge: Transforming a Broken Refuge System (Alexander Betts and Paul Collier 2017 Allen Lane).” Papers of Social Pedagogy 1 (6).
Mica, Adriana. 2016. “Imagined futures: fictional expectations and capitalist dynamics.” European Societies 19: 115-117.
Mica, Adriana. 2016. “Emerging from Turbulence: Boeing and Stories of the American Workplace Today, by Leon Grunberg and Sarah Moore. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2016. 195 pp. $40.00 cloth. ISBN: 9781442248540.” Contemporary Sociology: A Journal of Reviews 45: 602-604.
Mica, Adriana. 2016. “Vollmer, Hendrik, 2013: The Sociology of Disruption, Disaster and Social Change: Punctuated Cooperation. New York: Cambridge University Press.” economic sociology_the European electronic newsletter 17 (3): 50-51.
Mica, Adriana. 2014. “A Sociological Contribution to HAHR’s Open Forum on Jeremy Adelman’s (2013) Biography of Albert O. Hirschman.” Polish Sociological Review 186: 243-249.
Mica, Adriana. 2013. “Review: »Challenging the Innovation Paradigm« By Karl-Erik Sveiby, Pernilla Gripenberg and Beata Segercrants (eds.). 2012; 272 pages; Routledge: New York and Oxon.” Innovation: Management, Policy & Practice 15 (3): 393-394.
Mica, Adriana. 2011. “Alejandro Portes, Economic Sociology: A Systematic Inquiry, Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2010.” Polish Sociological Review 3 (175): 411-416.
Mica, Adriana. 2011. “Janine R. Wedel, Shadow Elite: How the World’s New Power Brokers Undermine Democracy, Government, and the Free Market, New York: Basic Books, 2009.” Polish Sociological Review 2 (174): 263-266.
Mica, Adriana. 2009. “Coal Miners from JiuValley – from Moral Panic to Moral Anxiety. Discussion of Jack R. Friedman and David A. Kideckel.” Societas/Communitas 1 (7): 281-285.
Mica, Adriana, Marta Olcoń-Kubicka, and Katarzyna Wyrzykowska. 2017. “Workshop Review: New Economic Sociology and Sociology: Where Do They Meet? Where Do They Diverge? Warsaw, May 22–23, 2017.” Journal of Economic Sociology 4: 194-198.
Mica, Adriana, and Rafał Wiśniewski. 2012. “Workshop on Embeddedness and Embedding. Conference of the Polish Sociological Association, the University of Gdańsk and the Kashubian Institute, Gdańsk, 14-15 May 212.” Polish Sociological Review 3 (179): 443-446.
Mica, Adriana, and Iwona Zielińska. 2010. “The Sociology of Relation among Humans, Non-Humans and Hybrids. 10-11 May, 2010. Gdańsk, Poland.” Polish Sociological Review 3 (171): 355-357.