Conferences, events

CfP: SASE mini-conference / MC05: Failures and Dilemmas: Exploiting Disruptive Interventions in Neoliberalism, 27-29 June 2024, Limerick

 Failures and dilemmas constitute major sources of disruption in the emotions, politics and technologies of neoliberalism. They can open spaces of radical change and learning, yet they can also generate new forms of privilege and exploitation born of crisis and recession. We seek to understand the expectations and contestations that emerge in contemporary forms of failure, as well as the dilemmas posed by political, economic and social interventions.

Read more HERE 


CfP: Disclosing Failure, Benefit or Hazard for STEM Women Faculty? Advancing An Equity and Inclusion Perspective, 11-13 June 2024, Charlottesville, VA

Gertrude J. Fraser, our colleague in critical failure studies and anthropologist from University of Virginia, invites your participation in the first-ever conference to explore the hazards and benefits of failure disclosure for women in STEM. The conference, “Disclosing Failure, Benefit or Hazard for STEM Women Faculty? Advancing An Equity and Inclusion Perspective,” will be held on June 11-13, 2024, at the University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA.  All submitted applications will be reviewed by the conference advisory committee (the conference has funding to support partial travel and subsistence for some participants). Deadline: Abstract by February 15, 2024 to .

Read more HERE


CfP: Failure Regimes: Economization, Creolization and Moralization of Failing6-7 May 2024, Warsaw

Critical failure studies have made a major breakthrough when it comes to the theoretical framing and methodological imaginary of failure. This entails first and foremost switching from an individual to a more social and institutional perspective. Talking about failure regimes, contexts, and cultures is now meant to underline that failures are not individual blunders and lost opportunities that are self-evident.

Read more: click here