

Mica, Adriana, Mikołaj Pawlak, Paweł Kubicki, Anna Horolets. 2023. Normalization of the Wrong Normal: Unmarked Futures in the 2015-2016 Refugee Crisis in Poland. In: C. Lombardo, L. Sabetta (eds.). Against the Background of Social Reality: Defaults, Commonplaces, and the Sociology of the Unmarked. Abingdon: Routledge, pp 113-131.

Mica, Adriana, Mikołaj Pawlak, Anna Horolets, Paweł Kubicki. 2023. FAIL! Are We Headed towards Critical Failure Studies?. In: A. Mica, M. Pawlak, A. Horolets, P. Kubicki (eds.). Routledge International Handbook of Failure. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 3-22.

Mica, Adriana, Katarzyna M. Wyrzykowska, Iwona Zielińska oraz Rafał Wiśniewski. 2018. “Three in One: Invisible Hand-Type Theories in Sociology.” In: The Sociology of the Invisible Hand, edited by Adriana Mica, Katarzyna M. Wyrzykowska, Rafał Wiśniewski oraz Iwona Zielińska, 11-40. Peter Lang.

Mica, Adriana, Katarzyna M. Wyrzykowska, Rafał Wiśniewski oraz Iwona Zielińska. 2018. “Invisible Hand in Sociology: Where Does It Take Us?” In: The Sociology of the Invisible Hand, edited by Adriana Mica, Katarzyna M. Wyrzykowska, Rafał Wiśniewski oraz Iwona Zielińska, 407-424. Peter Lang.

Mica, Adriana. 2018. “Is Anomaly the New Hybrid? Semiformal and Parabanking Institutions in the Financial Sector.” In: Loan Companies in Poland: Theory and Practice, edited by Iwona Jakubowska-Branicka, 11-32. Warsaw: ISNS UW.

Mica, Adriana. 2018. “The Purification of Anomalies: Parabanking and Nonbanking Institutions in the Polish Financial Sector.” In: Loan Companies in Poland: Theory and Practice, edited by Iwona Jakubowska-Branicka, 33-53. Warsaw: ISNS UW.

Mica, Adriana. 2018. „Czy anomalia jest nową hybrydą? Półformalne i parabankowe instytucje w sektorze finansowym.” In: Rynek firm pożyczkowych w Polsce. Teoria i praktyka, edited by Iwona Jakubowska-Branicka, 13-34. Warszawa: Polskie Towarzystwo Ekonomiczne.

Mica, Adriana. 2018. „Rynek firm pożyczkowych w Polsce. Teoria i praktyka.” In: Rynek firm pożyczkowych w Polsce. Teoria i praktyka, edited by Iwona Jakubowska-Branicka, 35-56. Warszawa: Polskie Towarzystwo Ekonomiczne.

Pawlak, Mikołaj,  and Adriana Mica. 2017. “Coping with the Unintended Consequences of Institutional Work.” In: New Themes in Institutional Analysis: Topics and Issues from European Research, edited by Georg Krücken, Carmelo Mazza, Renate E. Meyer and Peter Walgenbach, 377-408. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Mica, Adriana. 2015. “Unintended Consequences: History of the Concept.” In: International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences (Second edition), edited by James D. Wright (editor-in-chief), 24: 744-749, Oxford: Elsevier.

Mica, Adriana, Jan Winczorek, and Rafał Wiśniewski. 2015. “Sociologies of Formality and Informality.” In: Sociologies of Formality and Informality, edited by Adriana Mica, Jan Winczorek and Rafał Wiśniewski, 9-16. Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Wien: Peter Lang.

Mica, Adriana. 2012. “The »Anthropological Essence« of Scandal: Ritualization of Party Moots on Mass Protests in Late Communist Romania.” In: Towards Anthropology of Legal Field: Critiques and Case Studies, edited by  Raquel Medina Plana and Tomáš Ledvinka, 88-98. Prague: Faculty of Humanities, Charles University.

Mica, Adriana. 2012. “Pojednanie poprzez kozła ofiarnego – przestrzeń publiczna i piłka nożna w Kluż-Napoca w Rumunii.” In: Antagonizm i pojednanie w środowiskach wielokulturowych, edited by Jacek Kurczewski and Aleksandra Herman,  271-312. Gdańsk: Słowo/Obraz Terytoria.

Mica, Adriana. 2012. “Zakorzenienie piłki nożnej jako pojednanie. Celowe i nieoczekiwane sekwencje.” In: Socjologia pojednania, edited by Jacek Kurczewski, 185-200. Kraków: Nomos.

Mica, Adriana. 2011. “How Non-Linear Is the Linear Model of Innovation? Treatment of Consequences in Diffusion and Translation Models.” In: Sociology and the Unintended. Robert Merton Revisited, edited by Adriana Mica, Arkadiusz Peisert and Jan Winczorek, 129-149. Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Warszawa, Wien: Peter Lang.

Mica, Adriana, Arkadiusz Peisert, and Jan Winczorek. 2011. “Introduction.” In: Sociology and the Unintended. Robert Merton Revisited, edited by Adriana Mica, Arkadiusz Peisert and Jan Winczorek, 9-26. Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Warszawa, Wien: Peter Lang.

Mica, Adriana. 2011. “Introduction.” In: Sociology and the Unintended. Robert Merton Revisited, edited by Adriana Mica, Arkadiusz Peisert and Jan Winczorek, 29-31. Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Warszawa, Wien: Peter Lang.

Mica, Adriana. 2011. “Strategies of Cognitive Dissonance Reduction and Unintended Consequences of »Adoption« of Stray Dogs in Bucharest, Romania.” In: Non-Human in Social Science: Animals, Spaces, Things, edited by Petr Gibas, Karolína Pauknerová and Marco Stella, 69-86. Prague: Pavel Mervart.

Mica, Adriana. 2011. “Bezpańskie psy i ich Panowie. Niezamierzone konsekwencje i efekty dysonansu poznawczego w zarządzaniu populacją psów w Rumunii.” In: Ludzie i nie-ludzie. Perspektywa socjologiczno-antropologiczna, edited by Adriana Mica and Paweł Łuczeczko, 233-259. Pszczółki: Orbis Exterior.

Mica, Adriana. 2009. “Forgiveness and Disclosure Scandals in Romania.” In: Forgiveness: Probing the Boundaries, edited by Stephen Bloch-Schulman and David White, 257-274. Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Press (e-book).

Mica, Adriana. 2008. “Would-be «European Norms» of Decommunization in Romania.” In: Normative Environment of European Integration. Social, Political and Cultural Obstacles to Compliance to European Norms, edited by  Józef Niżnik, 141-163. Warsaw: IFIS Publishers.

Mica, Adriana. 2008. “Administering Naming Search for Truth in Political Police Files: the Romanian Case.” In: Living in Truth: A Conceptual Framework for a Wisdom Society and the European Construction, edited by Andrei Marga, Theodor Berchem and Jan Sadlak, Cluj-Napoca: Cluj University Press.