CFP: Failure Regimes: Economization, Creolization and Moralization of Failing, 6-7 May 2024, Warsaw
Failure in Science, 12-14 December 2022, Hannover
I and Failure Lab co-organized “Failure in Science” as part of the broader Thematic Week “Failure Matters” (with University of Jena), a funding initiative of the Volkswagen Foundation, December 12-14, 2022, at the conference center Herrenhausen Palace in Hannover.
The active participants were offered the opportunity to engage with preeminent figures and pioneers in failure and contemporary science studies. They met with representatives of research networks on failure now in the making at the global level, combining quantitative and qualitative research methods. The thematic week included a wide range of themes and will experiment with a variety of meeting formulas, ranging from the traditional panel, to research salon and even the nonconventional F*** up Tales event, where the participants will share and analyze stories of failure in science.
Failure: Limits to Success and Inequality of Falling in Contemporary Society, 14-17 September 2022, Warsaw
I co-organized “Failure” as thematic group in the framework of Polish Sociological Congress 2022, in Warsaw. The thematic group proposed to explore the relation between failure, inequality and success limitations from an interdisciplinary perspective. We argued that failure is a universal experience. At the end of the day, however, there is inequality in the stories of failure that are being told. Contemporary crises raise awareness about these inequalities. They open possibilities for social change with concrete support from international actors, social movements, policy agendas and new failure experts. The role of social sciences and public policy studies in all this is to identify the dynamic of the rhetoric of inequality of failure. To inquire what are the variations at global and country levels in making sense and coming to terms with it.
Power of Failure: New Perspectives in Social Theory and Practice, 7-8 May 2018, Warsaw
I co-organized this workshop in the framework of the Unintended Consequences series, organized by University of Warsaw and affiliated academic centers. The workshop proposed to depart from the conventional manner of discussing failure and the power of failure as something out of the ordinary and paradoxical. To bring in contributions that deal with this topic in terms of everyday life and practice. The power of failure to effect (or not) social change and to lead (or not) to success is an issue that goes beyond the visible manifestation of power games between major financial, political and economic actors. The power of failure concerns in fact the social life in its entirety. And although the major and spectacular episodes of failure and crisis are ‘needed’ in order to render this power obvious and to call attention to it, the fact of the matter is that the power of failure does not need such a grandiose arena to manifest.