Managing the European Refugee Crisis When There Is Lack of Consensus (2016 – 2019)

Managing the European Refugee Crisis When There Is Lack of Consensus: Emergence of Strategies in Poland, Hungary and Romania [Zarządzanie europejskim kryzysem uchodźców w sytuacji braku konsensusu. Pojawienie się strategii w Polsce, na Węgrzech i w Rumunii]

The proposed research project investigates the emergence of strategies and practices of crises management subsequent to controversies and hot negotiations, in a context marked by preoccupation with failure of consensus. It researches the manner in which the preoccupation with the failure of consensus induces certain trends in the formulation and development of policy initiatives. The project postulates that we can expect the development of strategies such as: fostering ownership, ensuring access to decision-making processes, and enforcing consensus. It also looks at the manner in which these strategies are negotiated by actors and institutions who are affected by, and also affect its subsequent management in various ways. The strategic site for investigation is the European Refugee Crisis which erupted in 2015. While the particular case studies concern Poland, Hungary and Romania



Principal investigator: Adriana Mica

Key investigators: Anna Horolets and Mikołaj Pawlak

Implementing institution: Faculty of Applied Social Sciences and Resocialisation – University of Warsaw

Duration: 2016-2019

Funded by: National Science Centre, decision number UMO-2015/19/B/HS6/00080.