Unintended Thematic Group: the 16th Polish Sociological Congress

G04: Unintended Consequences in Science, Technology and Innovation S209

Panel organizers: Iwona ZieliÒska (APS) izielinska@aps.edu.pl; Adriana Mica (UW) a.mica@uw.edu.pl


Session 1, 15.09 (Thursday) round III 15.00-17.00 S209

1. Urszula Jarecka (PAN) Unintended consequences of digitalization in photography through the eyes of photographers

2. Agnieszka Karpińska (PWSIP w Łomży) National innovation system in Poland – Unintended consequences for social reproduction

3. Jarosław Kopeć (UW/BN) Digital non-humans are already here. Controversies in constructing representatives in the network of a local newspaper

4. Natalia Juchniewicz (UW/USWPS) Morality of things as the unintended consequence in the studies of human ñ technology relation. The case of smartphone users


Session 2, 15.09 (Thursday) round IV 17.30-19.30 S209

1. Krzysztof Abriszewski (UMK) Installing USOS order. Unintended consequences and transformed negotiations

2. Iwona Zielińska (APS ) Unintended consequence of the lay citizensí engagement in science and technology in Web 2.0 environment

3. Marcin Zaród (UW) Laboratories and trading zones. Hacking collectives in Poland

4. Justyna Motrenko (UW) What scientists want and what they do if they do not get it?

5. Robert Stefański (UŁ) Unforeseen consequences. Possible implications of technological progress